Macross Frontier marks the 25th anniversary of the Macross anime franchise. It is a direct sequel to the first Macross series and Macross 7 and follows the lives of Alto Saotome, Ranka Lee and a pop idol named Sheryl Nome on board the Macross Frontier colonization fleet. After the war against the Zentradi aliens, Humankind has spread across the universe in order to ensure its survival. The Macross Frontier fleet is part of a effort to spread and maintain the culture of humanity.
Final Feelings:
If you like Code Geass or any other mech anime, you like this. Since I am such a fan or any thing with mechs, I had to watch this. And I most say, this did not let me done at all. In fact, I just had to go and order the VF-25G Valkyaire, which I be sure to make a WiP.
Yes, two thumbs up.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Throughout the passage of time and the shifts in backgrounds, a particular war continues to leave its mark on history, extending its influence into the modern world. There are two major groups involved in the ensuring war. The first group consists of monsters known as Chiropterans who can change their appearances into that of human beings. They are actually immortals who feed on the blood of the living. The second group is an organisation known as the "Red Shield", formed to track down these monsters and exterminate them. Otonashi Saya is a high-school girl who lives a peaceful life with her family. The only problem is, she has no recollections of her life beyond that of the past year. However, her happy life will be destroyed by an event that will lead her to her destined fate.
Final Feelings:
A friend told me about this anime, and she said it was a really good anime and that I should watch it. Well, I finish watching this anime, and I must say. She was right about this anime. I rather quite enjoy it, and not during one episode did I start to fall asleep or anything like that, but was focus on every second as the story move on. But, that being said. If you do not like seeing blood or gore, I do recommend not watching it. But with a title Blood+, you know there is going to be blood.
Yes, two thumbs up.
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