Wednesday, January 16, 2013

MG Heavyarms

My first painted kit of the year. I was hoping to have this finish before the new years, but stuff came up and a bit of laziness got in my way........
Sadly this will be my last painted kit for awhile as I will not have my gear to paint anything for the next while. I still plan to snap build a few kits, so I will most likely do a few reviews on them when I get them build.
Anywho, on to Heavyarms. This is quite the nice MG kit, my only complaint would be the ammo thread going from the gating gun to the ammo pack. The ends would keep falling of the rubber wire making it super hard to pose, which I just used some crazy glue and glue them on fixing that issue.
This kit also does have some issues with the ankle like my MG Deathscythe did as they both have the same frame. The only different is that it falls backwards and not forward like Deathscythe.
As for the kit itself, I stay mostly true to the colors with some minor changes mostly to the gun and the ammo pack. I also added a bit of gold to the frame outside of the missiles where the missile are painted silver.
Other then that, I basically cover everything else in my early post on this kit. I plan on doing some snap builds on my Zoids kits next. So I should have some reviews on them in the next awhile.

Anywho time for the pictures:

The cockpit open up
With the combat knife equipment
Without the Ammo pack equip.

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